91 Main Arm RD
Discover pure human connection.
Learn to be present with yourself in social dynamics.
Learn to express your truth in a way, that opens space for exploration and deeper connection.
Learn to navigate conflict in an elegant way.
Improve your ability to communicate in your relationships, with your partner, children or parents.
Learn to more easily manage stressful situations in your day-to-day life.
Contained in a safe space, with emphasis on radical acceptance.
My name is Aquila, I am from Slovakia and I am excited to share this practice and knowledge with you. It has brought a significant improvement into my life, in terms of self-discovery, self-expression, acceptance and relating to other people, beyond the habitual ‘scripted’ communication patterns, that are designed to mask and cover, what is actually alive within us in the moment, for the fear of certain emotions being ‘non-appropriate’ and therefore difficult to handle in social interactions.
With this practice, we can learn to get in touch and accept the whole spectrum of emotions, thoughts and sensations, that complete our being, and learn tools for kind and respectful expression of what it is that we feel, of who we really are, moment to moment. This allows us to understand and relate to each other on an authentic, human level.
The workshop revolves around tuning-in and communication exercises done in pairs (involving eye-gazing), and discussing the knowledge about authentic communication and its potential pitfalls, with a potential group practice (circling) in the end.
Looking forward to see you there!